Wednesday, July 26, 2023

One Planet

Within this vast cosmic theater, just a single life we're given, Just one fleeting moment dancing, 'neath the endless vault of heaven. Every heart a single drumbeat, every soul a solitary song, In the grand symphony of existence, where each note belongs.

Just one Earth beneath our footfall, cradling all we've ever known, From her rich and verdant bosom, every seed of life was sown. Her azure seas, her emerald forests, her mountains tall and grand, She tenderly held us in her arms, shaped by time's patient hand.

From cosmic dust and fiery chaos, she bore us, raised us high, Under the watchful eyes of galaxies, beneath the boundless sky. Over billions of years, she molded us, with the stars as our guide, In her crucible of creation, where time and life collide.

She watched us learn to dream and wonder, watched us learn to strive, Within her nurturing embrace, she let the spark of consciousness thrive. From nothingness, she raised us, in the theater of the sun, A testament to her resilience, a battle hard-won.

Now the future beckons to us, its voice both stern and kind, Reminding us of our duties, to our planet, to our own kind. The baton's passed, the stage is set, the audience watches with bated breath, As we write the next act of our story, dance the dance of life and death.

We're the children of stardust and old earth, the offspring of time and space, She's bestowed upon us the strength, the will, the grace. In our hands, the power to protect her, in our hearts, the will to care, To repay the love of our Earthly mother, to guard the life we share.

The sun sets, the moon rises, the stars shimmer, the night sighs, And we rise, not just as children, but guardians under the skies. For we've just one life, one planet, one chance to make things right,

To protect, to love, to nurture, to keep the flame of life alight.

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One Planet

Within this vast cosmic theater, just a single life we're given, Just one fleeting moment dancing, 'neath the endless vault of heave...